वृत्त की स्पर्श रेखा

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A circle is a set of all points in a plane which are equally spaced from a fixed point. The fixed point is called the center of the circle and the distance between any point on the circle and its center is called the radius.


A tangent to a circle is a line which intersects the circle at only one point. The common point between the tangent and the circle are called the point of contact.

Given, a line to a circle could either be intersecting, non-intersecting or just touching the circle.

Consider any line and a circle. There are 3 possibilities as shown below:

(1) Line intersects the circle at two points and . Such a line is called secant of the circle. and are the points on the circle. is a chord of the circle.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1

(2) Line touches the circle exactly at one point . Such a line is called the tangent to the circle.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2

(3) Line does not touch the circle at any point and is referred to as a non-intersecting line.

Fig. 3
Fig. 3

Tangent of a Circle Example

Imagine a bicycle moving on a road. If we look at its wheel, we observe that it touches the road at just one point. The road can be considered as a tangent to the wheel.

Fig. 4
Fig. 4

It is to be noted that there can one and only one tangent through any given point on the circle.

Any other line through a point on the circle other than the tangent at that point would intersect the circle at two points. This can be easily seen from the following figure 5.

Fig. 5
Fig. 5

are a few lines passing through the point , where is a point on the circle. We observe that all the lines except pass through and cut the circle at some other point. Hence only is a tangent and are secants to the circle.

Every secant has a corresponding chord to the circle. Therefore, a tangent can be considered as a special case of secant when the endpoints of its corresponding chord coincide. Tangent of a circle