Reduction of Fractions to a Common Denominator

From Vidyalayawiki

Here we will be knowing how to reduce fractions to a common denominator as mentioned in Āryabhaṭīyam.


छेदगुणं सच्छेदं परस्परं तत् सवर्णत्वम् ।


Multiply the numerator as also the denominator of each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction; then the (given) fractions are reduced to a common denominator.[1]

That is,

Example :

What is the sum of ,,?

Multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction with the denominator of other fractions.

Now the denominators are same for the given fractions.

We have to add , , to get the sum

Hence the sum of ,,

See Also

भिन्नों का सार्व हर में लघुकरण


  1. Shukla, Kripa Shankar (1976). Āryabhaṭīya of Āryabhaṭa. New Delhi. p. 70.