Squares of numbers closer to the base by Bhārati Kṛṣṇa Tīrtha

From Vidyalayawiki

A number, when multiplied by the number itself the product obtained, is called "Square of that number ". We will come to know the squares for numbers which are closer to the bases like 10,100,1000.

Square of Number closer to the Bases

For squares of numbers close to the base we use a sub sūtra of the "Nikhilam" sūtra.[1]

यावदूनं तावदूनीकृत्य वर्गं च योजयेत्

" Yāvadūnaṃ Tāvadūnīkṛtya Vargaṃ Ca Yojayet "

" Whatever the extent of its deficiency, lessen by that amount, and set of the square of that deficiency"

This will be explained through the below examples.

Base : The whole number system is made up of only 9 numbers (1-9) and a zero. All these numbers repeat themselves in a specific order after numbers like 10, 100, 1000, and so on. These numbers which have one as the first digit, followed by zeros are called bases.

Complement : Complement of a number is the difference between that number and its nearest base.

Ex: 1) Complement of 103 is 103 - 100 = 3 as 100 is the nearest base. 2) Complement of 95 is 100 - 95 = 5 as 100 is the nearest base.

Square of a number

Square of Number more than the Base

Square of number more than the base consists of two parts as mentioned below.

Surplus is a complement of the number.

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
(Number + Surplus) Square of Surplus

Example : 1032

Base for 103 is 100 and 3 more than the base (100).

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
103 is 3 more than the base (100).

Add the excess number (3) to the number (103)

103 + 3 = 106

Take the square of the complement (103 -100 = 3) as the nearest base is 100 for 103

32 = 9 . Since 100 is the base we write it as 09

106 09

Answer : 1032 = 10609

Example : 1252

Here is the base is 100. Number = 125 ; Surplus = 25

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
(Number + Surplus) Square of Surplus
125 + 25 252
150 625 as the base is 100 , keep last two digits and carry over 6
150 + Carry over (6) 25
156 25

Answer : 1252 = 15625

Example : 10162

Here is the base is 1000. Number = 1000 ; Surplus = 16

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
(Number + Surplus) Square of Surplus
1016+16 162
1032 256 , as the base is 1000, keep last 3 digits
1032 256

Answer : 10162 = 1032256

Square of Number less than the Base

Square of number less than the base consists of two parts as mentioned below.

deficiency is a complement of the number.

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
(Number - deficiency) Square of deficiency

Example : 972

Base for 97 is 100 and 3 less than the base (100).

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
97 is 3 less than the base (100).

subtract the deficiency from the given number (97)

97 - 3 = 94

Take the square of the complement (100 - 97 = 3) as the nearest base is 100 for 97

32 = 9 . Since 100 is the base we write it as 09

94 09

Answer : 972 = 9409

Example : 822

Here is the base is 100. Number = 82 ; Deficiency = 18

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
(Number - deficiency) Square of deficiency
82-18 182
64 324 , as the base is 100, keep last 2 digits and carry over 3
64 + Carry over (3) 24
67 24

Answer : 822 = 6724

Example : 99892

Here is the base is 10000. Number = 9989 ; Deficiency = 11

Left Hand Side (LHS) Right Hand Side (RHS)
(Number - deficiency) Square of deficiency
9989 - 11 112
9978 121, as the base is 10000, keep last 4 digits - 0121
9978 0121

Answer : 99782 = 99780121

See Also

आधार के निकट संख्याओं का वर्ग - भारती कृष्ण तीर्थ


  1. Singhal, Vandana (2007). Vedic Mathematics For All Ages - A Beginners' Guide. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 210–215. ISBN 978-81-208-3230-5.